Welcome to Stichting Ebenist
The Stichting Ebenist is a non-profit organisation with the aim to provide a symposium about wood- and furniture conservation and restoration on a yearly basis. Each year alternating, the symposium is either national (in Dutch) or international (in English). After every symposium the lectures are gathered and published.
The symposium is attended by approximately 150 to 200 participants.
The international symposium is usually spread across two days and includes excursions, while the national symposium lasts one day.
The organisation is run by a group of 6 to 7 people, all from the restoration and conservation field. Several musea such as the Rijksmuseum and the Amsterdam Museum have given us their support over the years. Also the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam and the Van Gogh Museum have supported the symposium by providing accommodation. Other institutes such as the Technical University in Delft, the University of Amsterdam, the Gelders Oudheidkundig Contact, and auction houses such as Christie’s and Sotheby’s have enabled us to achieve our goals. Together, they have helped us through the years to make the symposia possible up to this day
We look forward to seeing you at the next symposium.
The aim of Stichting Ebenist is to learn and broaden our knowledge within the professional field. We want to be a platform where conservators and colleagues from neighbouring fields can meet to share information, experience and research.
With these objectives we intend to promote discussion and new channels of communication. This will improve the standards of conservation and restoration, and thereby help us maintain our cultural heritage in the best possible way.
Organizing committee:
Machteld Jacques
Aspasia Kopsida
Welmoed Kreb
Helbertijn Krudop
Thomas Michgelsen
Tirza Mol
Boudewien Westra