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Miko Vasques Dias (ed.)
Reconstructing Amalia van Solm’s Japanese lacquer bed-rail: a personal view
Anthony Wells-Cole
Being comfortable in the bed one has made
Ian Fraser
Making copies of Empire chairs and reflections on the craft of cabinetmaking
Anne Cathrine Hagen
The importance of reproduction in two centuries of French furniture: case studies from the Wallace Collection
Helen Jacobsen
Fake or not fake? How alterations can mislead
Jürgen Huber
An analysis of copies of French royal furniture by François Linke
Christopher Payne
Pressed baleen and fan-shaped ripple mouldings by Herman Doomer
Iskander Breebaart and Gert van Gerven
Techniques used in the replication of missing ornamentation
Campbell Norman-Smith
Rapid prototyping systems as a tool for 3D reconstruction, replicas and replacements
Heinrich Piening
New products, old ideas. Reconstruction, reproduction and re-invention in the Frederick Parker Collection
John Cross and Cathy O’Donnell
Ebony furniture. A reconstruction of historical details through material analysis I
Dave van Gompel
Ebony furniture. A reconstruction of historical details through material analysis II
Joost Hoving and Reinier Klusener
E.1027 and Eileen Gray’s épine-paravent, a reconstruction history
Sylvain Oudry
An eightteenth-century writing desk; reconstruction of the marquetry on the top
Pol Bruys
Reconstructing the ‘Antique room’, a seventeenth-century style interior
Jaap Boonstra
Modern techniques meet traditional skills. Reconstruction concept of approximately 2400m² of wooden wall panelling
Peter Kopp, Stefan Linsinger,Marco Brunner, Sara Picchi